Tips For Decompressing After A Stressful Ordeal

No matter what you do for a living (or what you do in life), there will be times when you end up feeling stressed or overwhelmed – after all, everyone deals with stress from time to time, and the primary issue, when it comes to stress, is not whether you deal with it, but what you do afterward. When you get stressed, it can end up setting you back for several days if you do not take care of the problem; in order to overcome the negative effects of stress, you need to learn how to decompress.

The first step of decompressing after stress is going to a place where you can be alone; do not just go to “any place,” however – you should have a place that is a “safe” place for you (whether in your room, in your yard, in your car, or somewhere away from home), and this is the place you should turn to when you need to decompress.


Silence is usually the best way to decompress, but many people find that music helps them as well; choose a “decompression” song (or “decompression” songs) that you can listen to whenever the need arises. Make sure the song you choose is something that helps you relax, rather than one that causes you to get more excited or tense!

When you go to your decompression place, allowing yourself to enjoy some silence or music, you also need to pay attention to your breathing; you will notice, if you pay attention, that your heart rate and your breathing will be sped up when you are stressed, but you can counter these by focusing on your breathing and making sure you are taking deep, full breaths.

While the external factors that cause you to get stressed will often be out of your control, you can control the way in which you react to this stress, and when you learn to take the proper “decompression steps,” you will put yourself in much better shape for overcoming stress every time it arises.


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